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Better Care for Older Canadians Living with Frailty

From CFN Forum

Revision as of 15:09, 22 August 2017 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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Today, many Canadians are living longer and healthier into their later years. But as the number of seniors grows, so does the number of Canadians living with frailty with more complex health challenges and care needs.

CFN is Canada’s exclusive network for older adults living with frailty. We facilitate evidence-based research, knowledge sharing and clinical practices that improve healthcare outcomes for older Canadians living with frailty, and improve the lives of their families and caregivers. CFN takes a collaborative and patient-first approach – with our industry, academic, care-provider and patient-advocate partners, we lead Canadian research, knowledge mobilization and training focused on the urgent care needs of this vulnerable population.


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